Miam Blind Item?: Slept with Liam’s brother while drunk

Today’s Blind Item (If you don’t know what BLIND ITEM means, it’s pretty much a site who writes somewhat releable sources with celebirties but they don’t post the names of the celebs) Today I guess they might (or not) written about Miley Cyrus & her boyfriend Liam. Here’s the story: Ever wondered why this former A++ list tweener and her very good looking B list movie actor broke up for a short time? Everyone thought it was because she cheated. She did. Turns out she had sex with the brother of her boyfriend and thought no one would find out. She says she was drunk. Lets hope his wife does not find out.



Picked out some random replies from fans/none fans about this article:  

– “Haha I laughed… I doubt it’s true I mean come on if you’re girlfriend/boyfriend slept with your sibling why would you get back with them that’s just nasty, unless he just got back with her for fame.”

– “We never knew why the first broke up… they never said anything about it” 

– “no way…. there is no way they would have gotten back together if that happened. it would have ruined a lot of relationships, not just theirs….talk about awkward family gatherings.”


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